
Arad the black dragon was given the power of death, a power that previously only Akene possessed. The assassins who followed his teachings were worried about the future of Glenheim, as more and more monsters started to appear. They started to dive deeper into the research of Arad’s scripts and began to develop the assassin’s abilities beyond what Arad could have ever dreamed. They learned how to balance the use of two weapons at a time and their agility made them nearly impossible to spot.

When King Acharon saw what they could do, he asked the group of killers to protect Vimpeli and named them the name now so many fear: the Shadows…(omitted)

-Treasure Hound Guild Guide, Class Change, Chapter 10, Shadow-

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The hunter has skills for exceptional mobility, various skill combo, rapid attack speed and deceptive attacks.

Ability Option


Iconic Skills

Violent Shadow Violent Shadow
This allows them to charge forward with the power of the shadow and unleash a powerful explosion. This causes their enemies to bleed, and the more this skill is trained, the larger the attack range becomes.
Vital Spiral Vital Spiral
This skill is a spin attack with a both weapons to cleave their opponents in two. This allows them to carry out quick and explosive attacks, and it also reduces their distance to the enemy.
Deceptive Cutter Deceptive Cutter
The Shadow performs this skill in which they disappear for a moment only to reappear with daggers at the ready. If the slash attack succeeds, the enemy is paralyzed and they can perform an uppercut to throw their enemy in the air.